DOCS/PASSWORDS FOR MISSION ANDROMEDA Passwords are determined from the Box the game comes in. To select the proper password, move the Joystick UP until the correct password appears, then push firebutton to select it. Passwords are in " " as follows: Color of box is "black"; There are "four" pictures on the box; There are "16" missions (levels) to the game; Produced by "Demonware"; "Free Poster" inside box; The words beneath the first picture are "Endless" Attack Waves; Second, "You're" Lost in Space; Third "Feel your pulse pumping hard" and Lastly, "Who..." Also, these passwords may appear - Brilliant sound effects Stunning graphics, Smooth Animation. The Game: Goal - trying to save human race by getting to last planet capable of sustaining life. Level 1 appears to be hardest; try to avoid ships attacking you but also keep firing lasers as you will hit those ships long distance. If enemy crashes into you, you die. Their shots weaken your shields. To gain shield strength, LISTEN for WHISTLE then shoot sphere-like object which will give you more shield power AS you kill enemy or additional fire power. Level 1 ends with Main ship attacking you from RIGHT of screen. Rock from left to right to avoid it while firing at it. Amount of hits to destroy it depends on how many of the enemy you killed to start.